Any other NIN fans out there? I bought With Teeth from MSN Music when it was released Tuesday this week. Absolutely amazing… love it. The Hand That Feeds is the single for the album, but my favorite song on there (so far) has to be All The Love In The World.
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Excellent! I haven’t heard any of the new stuff, but ordered it anyways a couple of days ago from amazon (along with some new books) … good to hear that I shouldn’t be let down when it arrives.
Good programming music?
Works great for me! I’ve spent untold hours programming to the The Fragile album. I always feel like NIN tells a story… each song blending into the next taking me on some kind of journey. That kind of flow really helps me escape into “the zone”. 😉
I love it… Favorite tracks include The collector, Sunspots, and getting smaller.
Absolutely amazing stuff, very Halo-5-ish in some ways.
I’m a diehard NiN fan. Have been for years. We gotta get Trent to start blogging… 😉