So, I downloaded the Zune 1.3 upgrade, but it just refuses to instal the firmware. I’ve tried from my desktop, my laptop, rebooted those, restarted the Zune, etc. Just won’t apply and get nothing but a useless error message:
It is not possible to change sync settings at this time. Try again later.
I’m running Vista Ultimate 32-bit with latest drivers and all that jazz. Wish I could at least get some error info that would be useful to debugging the problem. *sigh*
UPDATE 3/31:
I tried running Zune as admin and then updating the firmware. Sure enough, that worked. Guess even Microsoft needs to learn how to get their software to work with UAC. Also sad is, how the heck was this not a tested scenario?
Being an admin didn’t work. Tried dozens of times, always failures. The zune just would never reset. As an off the wall idea, I turned wirless on and online status to detailed. Tried it one more time, and it worked like a champ. FYI, I was upgrading from version 1.2.
Same problem. Cannot download Firmware 1.3, therefore cannot sync Zune. Time to swap for an iPod?