Providing custom context to your WCF service instance In my last post about providing custom context I described a way that allowed you to scope the context to the operation/method level. This time I’m going to show you a way that will allow you to scope your context to the service instance level. As you may, or may not, know there are a few instancing modes for […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
Providing custom context to your WCF service operations First off, I’d like to say that I absolutely love how extensible WCF is. So far there hasn’t been anything I can’t do. Unfortunately the documentation, examples and guidance around extensibility is still lacking a bit at this point. This is somewhat disturbing considering that RC1 just went out. Now, on to what I really want to […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail