Getting a distinct list of changed files from TFS using PowerShell If you’re like me and need to do code-reviews of other people’s stuff or maybe you just want to see everything that’s changed during a certain period of a project, then here’s a nice PowerShell tip for you. First, make sure you’ve downloaded the latest version of the Team Foundation Powertools. Starting with the October […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
WPF MSDN Browser Inspired by Craig’s MSDNMan, Ian has created an MSDN browser with WPF. If, like me, you read a ton of MSDN content every day, both of these tools are extreeeemely welcome additions to browsing the online content or using the installed version of the content. Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
Monad -> MSH -> Windows PowerShell? Woah, hold the presses! A semi-cool product name coming out of Microsoft? Jason Sacks just announced the next Windows SDK is almost upon us and also let slip this first mention I’ve seen of a new product name for Monad: Windows PowerShell. Interesting. I immediately searched to see if this was indeed the first time the name […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
Monad (MSH) Design Decisions Check out this response from Monad Architect Jeffrey Snover to some constructive criticism from the community. In it he justifies some of the design decisions that were made. He really tries to drive home the point that Monad is primarily a shell language and secondarily a scripting language. He also mentions that there will be a new drop coming […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
Peter Provost in love with MSH too Peter just posted a nice little MSH script for listing out csproj files and their guids. Feeling inspired, here’s one I wrote that helps me find all projects that reference another project: get-childitem -Include *.csproj -Recurse | where-object { ([xml](get-content $_)).SelectSingleNode(‘//*[local-name() = “ProjectReference”]/*[local-name() = “Name” and text() = “<your project name here>”]’) -ne $null } […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
TFSC MSH Provider Implementation Wow, ask and ye shall receive! James Manning has released an initial implentation of an MSH provider for TFSC. Make sure to check out the MSH Community Workspace, where he contributed the source, too! Update: James contacted me to let me know about two things: I had a little typo in the title (“TSFC” instead of “TFSC”) which I’ve fixed I […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
MSH and TFS… A Match Made In Heaven? Alright, when’s there going to be an TFS snap-in for MSH? Sure I can use the .NET classes directly (and am), but I want a TFSC: provider! I want a TFWIT: provider! 🙂 Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
A word on MSH (Monad) As you can probably tell by my last post, I spent some time learning MSH (formerly Monad) this weekend and am super pysched to use it as part of my every day problem solving. I picked up the Monad book by O’Reilly and and it was a really great jump start on learning the basics. Most […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail
How to perform UI automation of browser apps with MSH (WATIR without the Ruby) For anyone who’s familiar with WATIR, check out this simple MSH script I whipped up: # Create an instance of IE$ie = new-object -ComObject “InternetExplorer.Application” # Navigate to MSN search$ie.Navigate(“”) # Make IE visible$ie.Visible = $true # Grab the DOM document instance$document = $ie.Document # !! See note at end of post !! # Get […] Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMoreRedditWhatsAppSkypeEmail